MIDTESOL Journal is accepting applications for Editor.
The position of MIDTESOL Journal Editor includes the following responsibilities:
- identifies and invites potential contributors
- recruits reviewers
- diversifies/internationalizes the editorial board
- makes final decisions regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection after the associate editor and the reviewers have completed the review process
- decides the direction of the Journal with the editorial board (e.g., the number of articles related to research and practice, types of topics to include and exclude)
- screens manuscripts to identify those that merit more attention and those that need immediate rejection
- coordinates with the associate editor, copy editor, and web editor to publish yearly MIDTESOL Journal editions
- communicates with authors regarding comments, suggestions or questions about the journal
- develops strategies to increase the journal visibility and readership
MIDTESOL Journal Editor should:
- have experience reviewing scholarly manuscripts in the field
- be a current member of MIDTESOL
To apply, please send an email to tranthu@mst.edu indicating interest in serving as the MIDTESOL Journal Editor and a resume including relevant experience.