MIDTESOL wishes to celebrate extraordinary service to our organization. The Distinguished Service Award honors an individual’s dedication to and leadership in MIDTESOL.
The selected recipient will be awarded a lifetime membership and recognition at this year’s MIDTESOL Conference.
Nominations may be made only by organizational members of MIDTESOL. No current member of the MIDTESOL Board is eligible for nomination. Include the following items in the nominating dossier (combined into one continuous document arranged in the order listed below):
- A nominating letter explaining your rationale for the choice of this individual, verifying, too, that s/he meets the eligibility requirement
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae of the candidate
- An account of any MIDTESOL Awards received (on the part of the nominee) in the past
Submit nominating dossier to Lindsey Simanowitz, lindsey.e.simanowitz@gmail.com, MIDTESOL Awards Chair, by Friday, September 25, 2020. The subject line of your email should read “MIDTESOL 2020: Distinguished Service Award”.
You will receive confirmation from the Awards Chair that your submission has been received. Neither incomplete dossiers nor self-nominations will be considered.
Nominations will be judged on the individual’s service to and participation in the profession at the regional (i.e., MIDTESOL) level as detailed in the candidate’s nominating letter and CV.
Nominators will be contacted by Monday, September 28, 2020, at 5:00 pm.
All other criteria being equal, preference will be given to the applicant who has never before received an award from MIDTESOL. Decisions made by reviewers are final.