The MIDTESOL Board invites submissions for Travel Awards for the upcoming MIDTESOL Annual Conference “The Future is Now: Building New Traditions in TESOL”. If you have been notified of acceptance to present at 2015 MIDTESOL, you are encouraged to apply for a Travel Award to help fund expenses. Up to three Travel Awards of $150 each will be granted.
To apply, the following items must be submitted to Denise C. Mussman (, MIDTESOL Awards Chair, by September 4. The subject line of your email should read “2015 MIDTESOL: Travel Award Submission.” All application materials must be combined into one continuous document arranged in the order listed below:
- Contact information, including name, email, and institutional affiliation;
- Notification of proposal acceptance;
- A brief statement (approximately 200 words) describing the benefit that attending and presenting at the MIDTESOL conference will bring to you and other ELT professionals in your community;
- An account of any outside funding sources received for travel to the conference;
- A list of MIDTESOL Travel Awards received in the past; and
- An agreement to submit an article of the content of your presentation within a month of the conference for publication in MIDTESOL Matters, the organization’s electronic newsletter.
You will receive confirmation from the Awards Chair that your submission has been received and a notification if you are an award recipient by September 27. Submissions undergo blind peer review. Incomplete applications or applications that are not in compliance with the instructions listed above will not be considered out of fairness to all applicants.
In the event that there are more proposals deemed worthy than there is money available to fund them, preference will be given to the applicant who (1) does not have external support for travel to the conference and (2) has never before received a MIDTESOL Travel Award. The award check will be sent after the article submission to MIDTESOL Matters has been received. Decisions made by reviewers are final.