Webinar: Attaining Core Content for ELLs in Literature

In a series of three one-hour webinars, the Center for English Language Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) presents its system for supporting ELLs, Attaining Core Content for English Language Learners (ACCELL). Each webinar focuses on a different scaffolding topic—background knowledge, vocabulary, and close reading—using English language arts as the target content area.…

UNI Announces Spring “Ed Perspectives” Events {IOWA}

The Center for Educational Transformation (uni.edu/cet), a new University of Northern Iowa-based Regents center charged with supporting and promoting research on PreK-12 education in Iowa, invites educators, organizations and networks to the spring “Ed Perspectives” series. These events bring notable figures in PreK-12 education to Iowa to spur discussion and collaboration among stakeholders in Iowa…

EdCampIowa – February 13

FIVE locations. ONE day of powerful learning. EdCampIowa is scheduled for Saturday, February 13, 2016 from 8:30AM-3:30PM. EdCamp sessions are NOT ‘sit and get’ presentations. EdCamps are about discussion and thinking and problem-solving. Participants build the agenda first thing in the morning and then spend the rest of the day talking, sharing, and learning. EdCampIowa…

TDSIG Web Carnival

IATEFL TDSIG invite you to attend its inaugural Web Carnival on “Stories of Teacher Development” on Saturday, January 30, 2016. During the carnival selected speakers from the TDSIG community will share their stories by focusing on: a turning point that led to a realisation about their teaching a key question that they faced in this realisation how these…