Learn from your peers with insights into classroom activities, tips for working with ELLs, product reviews, and more.
by Kendall Schuldt Throughout the United States, the number of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the public school system is on a sharp incline. As of the 2014-2015 school year, there were 4.6 million ELLs attending public school in the U.S. (National Center for Education Statistics). As these students enter the U.S. school system, it…
by Terry Barakat The English Language Institute of Missouri State University (ELI of MSU) held our free bi-annual TESOL & SLA Professional Development Conference on Friday, April 28, 2017. We had about 30 participants who included colleagues from Ozarks-area K-12 and higher education institutions as well as intrepid attendees from Kansas City and Rolla, MO,…
by Stephen L. Wonbenyakeh, Jr. The Iowa Student Learning Institute (IowaSLI) is a student organization driven by the passion to change the conventional views of being a student. As students, we are often told to “Show up to class, do the work, and you better not fail the class.” We sit in desks eight hours…
by Adrienne Johnson James Rice shares his reflections on his visit to Iowa K-12 ELL programs In preparing to write this follow-up to Mr. Rice’s visit in October of 2016, MIDTESOL reached out to Mr. Rice to ask him to share what he learned and experienced on his visits to West Des Moines Community Schools…
by Adrienne Johnson If you are an ELL teacher, a good portion of your job is spent trying to explain the diverse needs of your students to others as well as trying to dispel the many misconceptions that surround the education of language learners. This educational process takes place daily as ELL teachers work to…
by Sarah Springsteen Trumble Making connections between IEP students and the larger university is always important, especially with current enrollment issues (Allen, 2017). We do not want to just integrate our students into campus but also within our departments across campus. Our connections, as well as campus-wide familiarity with our function, aids our work, our…
by Katie McClintic Ed Tech IS Co-Chair Review of k12online Conference Session Session Title: Social Annotations: Collaborative Online Reading Link to Session: https://goo.gl/eTnK1p (transcript available here) Presenter: Paul Allison Date: October 22, 2015 Session Description: For this conference session, the presenter, Paul Allison, used content collected from his weekly webcast called “Teachers Teaching Teachers.” The…
by Deborah J. Osborne The first article in this series presented a brief summary of the first two themes, Futurology and English in Multilingualism, with this article addressing Reimagining English Competence and the Profession as a Change Agent. Reimagining English Competence Inquiry: Anne Katz teaches online courses for the MA TESOL program at The New…
by Deborah J. Osborne ATHENS, 2017- We met in the cradle of Western civilization: 200 delegates from 64 countries- teachers, teacher trainers, NGO managers and employees, government officials, RELOs from the State Department, representatives from the British Council, TESOL (national and regional), IATEFL, and CEA, IEP administrators, and publishers’ reps. Together we listened, discussed, asked…
by Shaeley Santiago As language teachers, we understand the value of student engagement and active participation in class. This is especially true when participation takes the form of authentic language use. But what about students who are hesitant to speak up in class or share their ideas? How might you maximize class time to engage…