Listed below are the names, phone numbers, addresses, and approximate costs for a one night stay at the motels where a block of rooms have been set aside for MIDTESOL Conference attendees. Please mention that you will be attending the MIDTESOL Conference when you make your reservation.
You are urged to make your reservations early as room availability is limited. The reserved rooms are being held for us through September 30, 2014. On October 1, 2014, unused rooms among those reserved will be released.
Motels in Warrensburg
Comfort Inn: 660-429-4848, 607 E. Russell, $82/night + taxes
Day’s Inn: 660-429-2400, 204 E. Cleveland, $80/night + taxes
Holiday Inn Express: 660-747-3000, 626 E. Russell, $90/night + taxes
Super 8: 660-429-2183, 439 E. Russell, $69/night + taxes
Motel in Knob Noster
(Knob Noster is about 10 miles east of Warrensburg)
A-1 Motel: 660-563-3000, 2340 W. Irish Lane, $50/night + taxes
Motels in Lee’s Summit
(Lee’s Summit is about 35 miles west of Warrensburg)
Comfort Inn: 816-524-8863, 963 SE Oldham Parkway, $85/night + taxes
Super 8: 816-524-8181, 607 SE Oldham Parkway, $69/night + taxes